december 22, 3:32 So beautiful!

Daddy's girl.

Thanks uncle Corbin, this cover keeps me nice and warm!

brand new, just a few hours after birth
Olivia Lynn arrived on the scene Monday, December 22, 2008. Things did not go the way I planned. So here is the story. 6 am. We arrived at the hospital. 7:15. Dr. Lake administers induction drug, (not
patossin) We sat and waited for some contractions to come for a few hours, they came but weren't painful and were very far apart. 12:30 Dr. Lake uses a huge wooden crochet hook to break my water. By 1:30 contractions were very painful and the nurse gave some pain medication and I requested the
epidural. The nurse said I was next in line that the anesthesiologist was in a c-section right now, but she would come to me after. She said it would be about half an hour to forty minutes. Well, the contractions got worse and worse and there was still no sign of the epidural. Holy cow they hurt. I was hyperventilating and my feet and hands were going numb so I had to slow down my breathing by taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly. My nurse, who was awesome by the way, had a labor coach come in. she tried to help with my breathing. She kept blowing her breaths right into my face. At one point I was so annoyed I told her to stop blowing in my face! Kind a rude I know. But my nurse, and kenny were good, because they would tell me when the contraction was peaking and then I knew I was almost done. Kenny was so awesome throughout the whole thing. He was so supportive, he helped count down and he would scoot me around when I had to move.
He helped me get in postion with my head down on top of a pillow on top of the table with my back rounded out . Let me just say how much this hurt when you are having a contraction. And it is 3:20 ish, so It has been two hours of excriciating contractions. By this time I am yelling and swearing. Actually I only swore once. I just have to put in here, that earier in the day, while we were waiting for the induction medicine to kick in, the girl in the next room was yelling and screaming while me and kenny laughed at it.
So here I am now, doing my own version of yelling and screaming. At one point I was cryi ng because it hurt so bad and I thought I couldn't do this and the anesthesiologist wasn't coming, and she was supposed to- that was the whole reason we came to this hospital, because last time with Maggie, the epidural didn't come till 10 minutes before maggie came out.
Sso in comes this middle eastern lady and she wants to give me a spinal. I was like spinal, whats that? I had only heard of a spinal once, my friend holly, who whad one and it gave her migraines for weeks because they did it wrong. So I insisted on the epidural. So she started the needle in my spine. I had to round out my back and I am basically bent over and have to keep my head down, and she is taking forever. I had my head ont the pillow bent over in pain and she was still unwrapping stuff and getting ready. I will say the anesthesiologist at Hanford is way better.
Well, she gets the needle in and I start having a contraction, a kind of contraction that I had to push on. So she had to take out the epidural. The they decided to try a spinal. So I am still bent over on the pillow, and this time a bunch of fluids come gushing out and I feel the baby's head coming out. It felt like a bowling ball was trying to come out of me.
At this point they took the needle out and laid me on my side, but the nurse was holding my legs together while I was having the contraction. Momma mia that hurt so bad. The next minute Dr. Lake was there, I pushed realy hard with the next two contractions, and she was on my chest, all purple and gooey. It was crazy! Dr. lake said, just push really hard and you won't be pregnant any more. And I did, and I'm not.
In the end I am sort of glad I did 't get the drugs, becasue my recover is way faster then with the drugs. I was alert right after and got to hold olivia and nurse for an hour before she was weighed and stuff. We just got to sit there and enjoy the moment together. All of a sudden, the pain was gone and I was okay. I had a lot of adrenaline in me after that, I couldn't sleep that night. Giving birth is amazing. However, I will never do that again, I will get the drugs as soon as I get to the hospital.
My road to recovery is getting better, it's nice having kenny home because he can help me. He and Mggie have been bonding. The worst thing is my hip, it hurts so bad. It started hurting in the last week of pregnancy, on top of carpel tunnel, and heart burn. My poor body, pregnancy trashed it! I look forward to swimming and cycling, and eventually running again. I hope I can get to the gym soon.
Olivia is breast feeding! yea, because we struggled so hard to get Maggie to nurse, I pumped for two months. But olivia is getting the hang of it, so am I. We feel so blessed to have this child in our family. Heavenly Father has entrusted us with a little angel. It amazes me how this little baby is so unique and quite her own little self. We are so excitied to see her and Maggie grow together. Family Rocks!!